Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Basics

Guatemala is one of the most beautiful countries in Central America.  It is a mountainous land with active volcanoes, lush rain forests, and 249 miles of coastline.  At 13,816 feet, Volcan Tajumulco is the highest peak in Central America.  Eco-tourists are drawn to Guatemala's colorful orchids and birds.  Other tourists come to walk among the fantastic, archaeological ruins of the Maya. 

The descendants of the ancient Maya continue to live in the area of their homeland.  They constitute 40.6% of the present population of Guatemala.  The other 59.4% including the Mestizos and Europeans.  At 14.3 million, Guatemala is the most populous country in Central America.  Spanish is the official language, but at least 23 indigenous languages are spoken within the republic.  The Maya maintain a strong presence in the country.  Many still wear traditional Mayan clothing and sell handcrafted items in colorful markets.  

For all its beauty and achievements of the past, Guatemala is a country facing extreme challenges.  Nearly 200,000 people were slaughtered during the recent civil war (1960-1996).  Another 50,000 people remain unaccounted for.  The poverty rate hovers at 56% and breeds violence and crime.  Guatemala has the lowest life expectancy rate (68 years) in Latin America and the highest fertility rate (3.36 children/woman).  Only 69% of the population is literate.  These are grim statistics to overcome.  During the next several months, this blog will cover these issues and more. (Statistics obtained from BBC News and CIA World Fact Book)

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